2023 Self-Evaluation
The annual National Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Response System (the System) Task Force Self-Evaluation process is a program management tool developed to assist the System’s 28 task forces and the US&R Branch with analyzing capability and improving the System. The Self-Evaluation is a critical component of the System’s overall Readiness Assessment Program (RAP).
The 2023 Self-Evaluation process has been updated to gather much greater detail in reference to a task force’s overall readiness. The updated Phase-1 Task Force Self-Evaluation form focuses on five areas: task force general information, Operations Readiness, Logistics Readiness, Management Readiness, and validation of compliance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) US&R Standard. The additional detail will assist in assessing the health of System resources, answer requests for information, prepare for Technical Assistance Visits (TAV) and Administrative Readiness Evaluation (ARE) site visits, and provide a tool to capture information virtually should travel become prohibited for any reason.
The US&R Branch will schedule System-wide Zoom calls during the next two weeks to further introduce the new Phase-I Annual Task Force Self-Evaluation form. The schedule for the Zoom calls will be distributed under separate General Memorandum. The Phase-I Annual Task Force Self-Evaluation process will also be discussed during the February 13, 2024, Brown Bag session.
This issue is approved for FEMA National US&R Response System implementation.
A Self-Evaluation is required to be submitted by each task force to the US&R Branch annually and is the basis for any scheduled on-site and/or virtual Administrative Readiness Evaluations conducted. The 2023 Task Force Readiness Self-Evaluation Process will be accomplished using the following online process:
In accordance with the FY2023 US&R Readiness Cooperative Agreement Funding Opportunity Announcement Appendix A, Section I, 1(a), the Self-Evaluation items shall be submitted to the US&R Branch by the Task Force Representative (TFR) no later than April 9, 2024.
Each task force’s TFR shall ensure an immediate assessment of their task force is conducted based on the 15 evaluation elements in the three categories of Operations, Logistics and Management following the 2023 Task Force Self-Evaluation instructions. TFRs or Program Managers (PM) will also complete the validation checks in each section of Operations, Logistics and Management.
The self-evaluation documents consist of the 1) Self-Evaluation Form, 2) FEMA Form 089-0-14 Self Evaluation Scoresheet, and 3) US&R Task Force Integrated Preparedness Planning calendar (IPP). These documents are attached and located on Quick Links Tab of ResponseSystem.org – 2023 Self-Evaluation Process.
Final scoring from the three annexes shall be entered on the FEMA 2023 Self-Evaluation Score Sheet, with validation checks completed for each section.
Develop and submit a three-year Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) Calendar as outlined in PD 2014-016. The IPP is for the years 2024-2026.
TFRs or PM’s shall submit the completed 2023 Self-Evaluation package to the US&R Branch using the following online process:
Save all documents by naming them with the task force designator and file name (example: UT-TF1 2023 Self -Evaluation Form.pdf, UT-TF1 2023 Scoresheet.xls, and UT-TF1 2023 IPP.xls)
To submit your 2023 self-evaluation documents: The link to submit the documents is located on ResponseSystem.org under the Advisory Organization / 2023 Self Evaluation Tabs / 2023 Self-Evaluation Upload Link.
Complete the basic task force information, and attach the individual completed 2023 Task Force Readiness Self-Evaluation package items to their individual upload links with the upload portal.
When the 2023 Self-Evaluation package has been received, the TFR or PM will receive an email confirming that the package has been received to the email address provided in the submission form.
Please keep all documents and the confirmation email for task force records.
All 2023 Task Force Readiness Self-Evaluations should be completed and submitted as soon as possible, but no later than COB Tuesday, April 9, 2024.
Any questions related to the 2023 Task Force Readiness Self-Evaluation should be directed to: Parry Boogard at: parry.boogardjr@fema.dhs.gov.