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Solicitation Open

This General Memorandum is issued to solicit National Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Response System (the System) members to participate in an Ad Hoc Group (AHG) to review the System’s water rescue operations program.


Performing a periodic review of the System’s water rescue operations program is essential to ensuring its efficiency, effectiveness, and safety. Regular reviews help identify areas that require improvement, assess operational performance, effectiveness, and cost, and enhance overall preparedness and operational performance.


The following outlines several priority areas for this review; the group's charter will outline a more definitive depth and scope.


  • Lack of Standardized Curriculum: Address the absence of a standardized FEMA US&R Instructor-led curriculum for water rescue operations.

  • Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM): Evaluate whether the current RAM in the Task Force Safety Officer’s Course adequately addresses water rescue operations.

  • Inclusion of Task Force Safety Officers: Discuss the inclusion of task force safety officers in the program.

  • Position Task Books:  Review and update the Position Task Books (PTB) for Boat Operators PTB and Water Rescue Specialists, ensuring they align with NFPA Standard #2500(2022 Edition).


  • Water Rescue Concept of Operations:  Review and update the current operational guide, including Appendix H / Rescue Core Competencies (to include Water Rescue Operations), ensuring that the related Computer Based Training (CBT) module on the Learning Management System / ESF 9 website is in alignment to ensure continuity of operations.

  • Stringent Operational Standards: Compare the current defined local, state, and national-level standards for water rescue operations with the existing FEMA US&R requirements, noting any discrepancies and recommending a uniform, defensible way forward. 

  • Water Rescue Operations Cache Equipment: Evaluate the current list of water rescue operations cache equipment. This would include evaluating historical use, applications, and maintenance requirements. Additionally, evaluate any new equipment/technology that may improve the System’s operational capabilities.

The goal of this AHG is to perform a comprehensive review of the System’s water rescue program, incorporating cost evaluations to identify strategies that can optimize resources, enhance cost-efficiency, and ensure the sustainability of the water operations program while maintaining its quality, effectiveness, and with a priority to ensure the safety of personnel.  A detailed summary of all current existing expenses related to water rescue operations, as well as a detailed overview of the projected costs of any recommendations will be completed.


Per Annex A of the 201 - USR Administration Manual Annex A - Advisory Organization (Mar 2023), Section 3-1, E, Ad Hoc Applications. All potential members should complete an application to be submitted through the provided link: Ad Hoc Application Submission Link by January 24, 2025. Within seven calendar days after the application closing date, the US&R Branch and/or their appointees will review the applications, determine if the candidates meet the KSAs for the available positions, and ensure that the applicant has provided all required documentation.

The US&R Branch Chief will appoint members for a term defined by the anticipated duration of the Ad Hoc Group. The US&R Branch Chief will distribute a General Memorandum naming the Ad Hoc Group members, including the Co-Chairs. Membership terms shall begin on the date specified in the General Memorandum that announces the Ad Hoc Group’s establishment.

If you have any questions about this solicitation process, don't hesitate to contact the US&R Branch or the Advisory Group Chair, Keith Bevan, at


Attachment: Access via

  • 201-L - Appendix L - Advisory Organization Application (Mar 2023) 201-M – Appendix

  • Advisory Organization Letter of Support Template (Mar 2023)


Questions should be directed to Keith Bevan, Advisory Group Chair, at

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